Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dear Internet,

I apologize for my absence, the end of a semester is always fast paced and gets me crazy busy.

So, let me update you a little on my outrageously boring-but-fast-paced month. I've driven to montana and back. Gone to the Oregon Coast, got incredibly lost in Portland, spent four or more hours searching for my car. Almost ran out of gas about ten miles outside of Spokane, BUT DIDN'T. Spent about a week pretending life didn't exist with my buddy, and now I'm playing catch up to finish all the things I need to do for life. The week was worth it.

Now, the semester is over, and summer begins. I promise laughter soon. But for now it's the hustle and bustle of getting prepared to get the heck on the road home.


It's charming, that look given me
from lucid blue eyes so deep...
they might stretch for miles if given the choice.
the choice to wander, to never walk a path of normality
my spirit laughs not knowing what to say
or what to think
or how to feel.
so lost.
forced to wander, to never walk a path of normality
might stretch for miles.
that look given me
is lost, so charming.

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